
Smart Growth in Smyrna

Smart Growth in Smyrna

May 03, 20248 min read

In Smyrna, the future is not just bright; it's sustainable. In this bustling corner of Georgia, change isn't coming—it's already there.The City of Smyrna is on a mission to redefine modern living with its bold master plan and the kick-off of exciting rejuvenation projects. From energy-efficient buildings rising along Atlanta Road to innovative green spaces breathing new life into downtown areas, sustainability isn't just a buzzword here; it’s the blueprint for tomorrow.

Smyrna's Comprehensive Plan for Sustainable Development

The City of Smyrna is on a mission to create a thriving, sustainable community that offers an exceptional quality of life for its residents. The key? They're laying out a well-thought-out plan here, one that really prepares us for the kind of growth and development that's not just smart but sustainable too.

Key Objectives, Focus Areas, Implementation Strategies

Smyrna's comprehensive plan is all about balance. This plan paves the way for boosting the economy while making sure they keep what makes the city special and ensuring everyone living there thrives. The plan zeroes in on a few critical areas:

  • Attracting new businesses and jobs

  • Revitalizing downtown Smyrna

  • Enhancing parks, trails, and green spaces

  • Improving transportation and walkability

  • Promoting sustainable building practices

But here's the thing - it's not just a bunch of lofty goals. The comprehensive plan lays out specific strategies and action items to make these objectives a reality. We're talking targeted development opportunities, infrastructure projects, and partnerships with local businesses and community groups. Working together, from the folks at city hall to the people living next door, everyone is pitching in to make Smyrna an even more delightful spot to live.

Downtown Smyrna Revitalization Projects

If you've visited Smyrna recently, you've probably noticed some big changes happening downtown. The city's buzzing with a big facelift project, and honestly, it's all kinds of awesome.

Town Center Development

One of the centerpieces of the downtown redevelopment plan is a new town center along Atlanta Road. We're not just talking a few new shops and restaurants. This is a game-changer. Picture a vibrant, walkable district with a mix of retail, dining, and office space. A place where you can grab a bite, do some shopping, and maybe even catch a concert or community event. 

The city is also looking to capitalize on one of its best assets - its location along the Chattahoochee River. Exciting plans are afoot to bring new spots for dining and fun right by the water, letting both locals and tourists soak in those stunning river views. Think riverfront restaurants, walking trails, and maybe even some water activities like kayaking or paddleboarding.

Pedestrian-Friendly Improvements

Of course, none of these new developments will matter much if people can't easily get around downtown Smyrna. That's why the city is also investing in pedestrian-friendly improvements like wider sidewalks, crosswalks, and landscaping. They're shaping the downtown area to be more than just a place you want to visit; they want it to be a safe, cozy walkable zone that connects all its cool spots. It's about creating a sense of place and community - a downtown that feels welcoming and accessible to everyone.

the city is also investing in pedestrian-friendly improvements like wider sidewalks, crosswalks, and landscaping. They're shaping the downtown area to be more than just a place you want to visit; they want it to be a safe, cozy walkable zone that connects all its cool spots.

Green Initiatives and Energy Efficiency Programs

Smyrna is a city that takes sustainability seriously. The city's diving headfirst into green construction methods and water-saving strategies, all in a big push to lessen its footprint on the planet while building up a tougher, more eco-friendly community. One way Smyrna is leading the charge on sustainability is through its support of LEED certification for new construction projects. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a globally recognized rating system for green buildings. This looks at how well it saves energy, uses water wisely, and keeps the air inside clean. By encouraging developers to pursue LEED certification, Smyrna is setting a high bar for sustainable building practices in the city. In fact, the city itself has made a commitment to LEED certification for its own facilities. The new Smyrna Community Center, for example, is a Silver Certified Green Community that incorporates features like solar panels and water-efficient landscaping.

Water Conservation Measures

Speaking of water efficiency, Smyrna is also taking steps to reduce its water usage and protect local water resources. The city has implemented a number of water conservation measures, including:

  • Offering rebates for water-efficient appliances and fixtures

  • Promoting drought-tolerant landscaping

  • Educating residents about water-saving tips and techniques

These efforts not only help to conserve a precious resource, but they also save residents money on their water bills.

Economic Incentives for Sustainable Businesses

Smyrna knows that sustainability isn't just good for the environment - it's good for business too. That's why the city offers a range of economic incentives to encourage sustainable business practices and attract environmentally-friendly companies to the area. Smyrna's got a secret weapon for supporting eco-friendly businesses, and it's all about giving tax breaks to those going green. 

Under this program, companies that meet certain sustainability criteria can qualify for reduced property taxes for a set period of time. This can be a major financial incentive for businesses to invest in energy-efficient upgrades, renewable energy systems, or other green initiatives. It's a win-win situation - businesses save money on their taxes, and the city benefits from a more sustainable and resilient local economy.

Grants and Loans

Smyrna doesn't stop at just tax breaks; it also steps up by offering grants and low-interest loans that businesses can use to fund their green initiatives. These initiatives range from slapping on some solar panels to giving your HVAC system a major efficiency makeover. By providing financial assistance for these types of projects, Smyrna is making it easier for businesses to make the switch to more sustainable practices.

Streamlined Permitting Process

But financial incentives are just one piece of the puzzle. Smyrna also recognizes that navigating the permitting process for sustainability projects can be a major hurdle for businesses. That's why the city has worked to streamline its permitting process for green initiatives, making it faster and easier for companies to get their projects off the ground. This includes things like expedited plan review for LEED-certified buildings and a dedicated sustainability coordinator to help guide businesses through the process. By removing barriers and creating a more business-friendly environment for sustainability, Smyrna is positioning itself as a hub for green innovation and economic growth.

Community Engagement and Outreach Efforts

Sustainability isn't just a top-down effort in Smyrna - it's a community-wide endeavor that requires buy-in and participation from residents and businesses alike. That's why the city places a strong emphasis on community engagement and outreach when it comes to its sustainability initiatives. One way Smyrna is getting the word out about sustainability is through a series of workshops and educational events. These workshops cover a range of topics, from energy efficiency and water conservation to green building practices and sustainable landscaping. They're designed to be interactive and hands-on, giving participants practical tips and strategies they can use in their own homes and businesses. By empowering residents with the knowledge and tools they need to live more sustainably, Smyrna is creating a culture of environmental stewardship that extends beyond just government initiatives.

Volunteer Programs

But education is just the beginning. Smyrna also offers a variety of volunteer programs that allow residents to get directly involved in sustainability efforts. These programs include things like:

  • Tree planting and park cleanup events

  • Recycling and composting initiatives

  • Community garden projects

  • Watershed restoration efforts

By engaging residents in hands-on sustainability work, Smyrna is fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the community's environmental health.

By engaging residents in hands-on sustainability work, Smyrna is fostering a sense of ownership and pride in the community's environmental health.

Neighborhood Meetings

Of course, sustainability isn't just about individual actions - it's also about building strong, resilient neighborhoods and communities. That's why Smyrna holds regular neighborhood meetings to discuss sustainability issues and gather input from residents. These meetings provide a forum for community members to voice their concerns, share their ideas, and work together to find solutions to local environmental challenges. They're also an opportunity for the city to share updates on its sustainability initiatives and gather feedback on what's working and what could be improved. By fostering open communication and collaboration between the city and its residents, Smyrna is creating a more transparent and inclusive approach to sustainability planning.

Key Takeaway: 

Smyrna is all in on creating a greener future. With smart growth, downtown revamps, and green initiatives like LEED buildings and solar farms, they're blending economic development with sustainability. It's about making the city better for business and cozy for folks who live there—think more parks, less pollution. Plus, Smyrna’s not going at it alone; they’re rallying businesses and locals to chip in on projects from tree planting to energy-saving upgrades.


So, as we tie up our exploration of Smyrna's green makeover, it's pretty clear - this town is stepping up to show others how it’s done. With every development project completed and each initiative launched, Sustainable development in Smyrna, Georgia reinforces its commitment to not only enhancing quality of life but also ensuring that growth goes hand-in-hand with environmental stewardship. This story is a beacon of hope and a bit of a nudge; let's see other cities get inspired to carve their unique journeys toward being more sustainable.

Kay for CobbTogether for CobbCobb CountyKay MorganGeorgiaSmyrna, GASmyrnaEconomic GrowthCommunityGrowing City
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